Cargo air delivery from Asia
7 (495) 246 19 98

Cargo air delivery from Asia

by the Hong Kong based freight company without intermediaries
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is based in Hong Kong.
What does it give you?
  • _01.
    5-10% saving on logistics, because you work without an intermediary in the CIS
  • _02.
    Direct contracts with general airlines
  • _03.
    Prompt provision of documents for customs clearance prior to cargo arrival
  • _04.
    Guaranteed seat on some flights for urgent shipments
In addition, payment is made upon delivery. Granting a deferred payment is possible.
We provide all accompanying services
Cargo insurance
Help with registration
Find suppliers in Asia
Logistics Optimization Consulting
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Engler takes care of your problems.
Here are some examples
How to deliver a batch of dishes with 50% savings for the customer

Our company also specializes in hazardous, bulky, perishable goods. Once we were ordered to transport from China, the cargo is dishes. This cargo is classified as fragile and the packaging must meet all IATA requirements + additionally protect the cargo from damage.

After repackaging, the volume increased, and accordingly the billed weight. But we suggested using a little-known scheme in the field of air transportation - a tariff according to the VOLUME SHARE formula. Unfortunately for customers, not every experienced logistician knows about this opportunity.

Thanks to our employee Julia, the client saved almost 50% of the cost of transportation!
Why it is important to analyze all offers on the market

The client requested delivery from Shenzhen or nearby airports. But the analysis showed that fares for local flights are an order of magnitude more expensive than those from other airports in China.

We offered a flight from Beijing, taking into account the delivery of cargo to the airport. Not only did they meet the deadlines stated by the client, but they were able to save about 12% of the delivery cost!

We always offer the most favorable conditions, based on our experience and constant monitoring of the transportation market. Even if you need to spend more time.
How experience and knowledge of the regulatory framework helped to save the cargo and delivery time

The client requested export from Russia to Japan with the provision of customs clearance services and delivery to the recipient. The cargo was in Russia on the terms of temporary import. But the Carnet expired and the time was limited. When the cargo has already arrived at the airport departures, a broker in Japan said that the shipment could not be shipped because customs did not will skip.

Our experts argued that there is no reason to ban customs clearance. Having weighed all the risk factors, the customer gave the go-ahead for transportation.

Flights passed without delays, the cargo arrived in Japan on the day of expiration Carnet, the customs clearance procedures were successfully completed and the cargo was delivered to the consignee.
How our Asia connections are helping our customers save money

During the year we cooperate with a company that orders approximately 2-3 transportations per month at Pulkovo. Due to the epidemic, transportation to Pulkovo was stopped. We offered a transit route through Moscow with further registration of VTT to St. Petersburg. So Thus, we have carried out 3 shipments, despite the additional costs.

The day before the next cargo is picked up, trusted people report that flights to Pulkovo are resumed with a restriction once a week. But 100% guarantee that the flight come true, do not give. After explaining everything in detail to the client, we decided to take a risk and send the goods direct flight to Pulkovo.

Thus, we successfully delivered the goods, investing in delivery time and saving about 20%.
19 dealerships in Asia.
15 years in air delivery
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